Body and Awareness

Edited by Sandra Reeve.

The Proprioceptive Body - chapter by Dr Laura Haughey.

20 contemporary approaches to the study and experience of embodied awareness. Our growing understanding of embodied awareness is one of the most extraordinary areas of contemporary research and practice. It is transdisciplinary and multifaceted—it has no subject listing in academia, but is of central importance to those interested in understanding art, dance, the psychology of health, learning and development, trauma, the psycho-ecology of extinction and climate change, proprioception and interoception, ecological awareness, meditation, and the need for societal transformation in an age of multiple convergent crises. This is a guide to the subject from 20 contemporary practitioners.

Book is available to buy from Amazon, the Book Depository, and various other stockists.

Practical Proprioception: An Examination of a Core Physiological Foundation for Physical Performance Training

PhD thesis by Laura Haughey

Available here.